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K.T. Kraig
Book Review: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory; American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism
Tim Alberta’s follow-up to his lengthy tome, American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Rise of President...
K.T. Kraig
Review of Sight & Sound's Queen Esther
While on a visit to Branson, Missouri, I had the opportunity with my family to visit Sight & Sound’s musical production of Queen Esther....
K.T. Kraig
Third novel coming soon! Pride Goeth before a Leap
Exciting news from the desk of K.T. Kraig. His third novel, "Pride Goeth before a Leap" is nearing publication. This novel explores the...
K.T. Kraig
Finally, I Know: Reflections of an Adult Autism Spectrum Diagnosis
Social anxiety and awkwardness. Obsessive interest in obscure and abstract topics. Lack of feeling. Sensory sensitivity. All of these I...
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