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K.T. Kraig; Author



About the Author

K.T. Kraig lives in the Upper Midwest with his wife and two children. In addition to writing and reading, he enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling. Thieves, Outlaws, & Miss Watson is his second self-published novel. 

Miss Watson arrives from Philadelphia to the Frontier, searching for a lost relative. In a world, completely different from what she knows, Miss Watson encounters people. People steal from her, ridicule her, dismiss her. When her cash is taken, Miss Watson joins a posse to recover her missing funds. 


After disaster strikes the posse, Miss Watson has to decide how much her stolen funds mean to her. How far will she go to recover her money? Will she even persevere with the outlaw Hotchkin riding through the territory?


A pure Western, set among the beautiful emptiness of the American Frontier, Thieves, Outlaws, & Miss Watson is a must-read for all fans of this genre. 

The Preachers' Bet

December 2020

Collin Wirkus is devastated when his father, a faithful assistant pastor at a local church, is humiliated and fired. Still angry, Collin makes a bet that may gain him the world, but cost him his soul. 


The Preachers' Bet takes a critical look at the American evangelical church, while also affirming its purpose and divine ordination. Filled with characters to loathe and embrace, The Preachers' Bet will challenge anyone who believes they have church "figured out."



Get in touch with me for more information about my previous publications and upcoming releases. Connect on Facebook; K.T. Kraig-Author. Or send an e-mail to the address below. Feedback is always welcome.

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